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General Braces In Gahanna, OH

Walter C. Buchsieb II, DDS -  - Orthodontics

Smile With Style Orthodontics

Walter C. Buchsieb II, DDS

Orthodontics located in Gahanna, OH

Your Smile Deserves the Best!

Did you know?. . . An orthodontist is a dentist, but a general dentist is rarely an orthodontist. Both orthodontists and general dentists complete four years of dental school, after their bachelor’s degrees, and both are doctors of dentistry.  However, to practice with the title of orthodontist, a dentist must complete advanced dental education requirements in orthodontics to practice their craft. After dental school, a general dentist develops their skills during an additional 36-month residency focused on specialized orthodontic training and must pass a certification exam to officially become a practicing orthodontist. Only a dentist with this orthodontic training, education, and credentials can be licensed to practice as an orthodontist. Contact us for an orthodontic consultation.


Dr. Buchsieb is an Orthodontic Specialist, trained and licensed to practice as an Orthodontist.

Additionally, Dr. Buchsieb is an  Invisalign® Certified Specialist.


Braces Q & A

How can I get straighter teeth?

Fortunately, if you’re unhappy with the look and alignment of your teeth, they aren’t stuck in their current position. Modern orthodontics has allowed for easier and more comfortable ways to move and realign your teeth, so you can achieve a truly beautiful smile.

Many different types of braces and teeth-straightening methods are available at Smile with Style Orthodontics, including traditional metal braces and nearly invisible Invisalign® aligner trays. Both treatment strategies can gradually move your teeth into position over time.

What are braces?

Braces are special dental appliances used to correct:

  • Crowded teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Crossbites
  • Overbites
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Underbites

Metal braces

Traditional metal braces are still a popular choice and involve wire-based appliances. Dr. Buchsieb places metal brackets on your teeth using an adhesive and connects with wires. Traditional braces require periodic tightening to enable a steady pressure to gradually align and straighten your teeth.

Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces involve composite materials and varying levels of transparency to mimic your natural teeth color. Ceramic braces are similar to traditional metal braces.

Dr. Buchsieb is an  Invisalign® Certified Specialist 

Invisalign® uses clear, plastic aligner trays to gradually and gently shift your teeth into proper position. These trays are almost invisible when you’re wearing them and are taken out when you eat or brush your teeth – allowing you to keep your mouth healthy while you’re undergoing treatment. Patients who want to wear clear aligners to achieve a straighter smile must wear their aligners for at least 20 to 22 hours per day, or anytime they are not eating or brushing their teeth.

What is the best age to get braces?

Braces can help you achieve your dream smile and straighten your teeth at any age. No matter your age, Dr. Buchsieb evaluates your teeth each time, even if you’re only in the office for your routine cleaning.

A crooked smile doesn’t have to diminish your confidence when there are effective orthodontic solutions within your reach. Call the office to set up a consultation or schedule using the online booking tool today.